Government departments speed up the acceptance of new projects, and the commissioning of DouxBeBe's new plant is just around the corner

Category: Company News

At 8 a.m. on July 11, the staff of the Construction Quality and Safety Service Center of Jindong District Housing and Construction Bureau in charge of fire control acceptance came to the newly built factory building of Zhejiang DouxBeBe Technology Co., Ltd. to conduct detailed fire control acceptance of the enterprise's fire control layout, fire spacing, fire fighting facilities and equipment, fire blocking and general layout.

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Hu Zhenhai, general manager of DouxBeBe Company, made a special appeal to the working group at the on-site office activity of "Steady Progress and Quality Improvement" in Jindong, Jinyi New District, on July 10. He was eager to speed up the completion and acceptance of the new project and put it into operation as soon as possible. Unexpectedly, the relevant departments came to the door the next day. General Manager Hu Zhenhai said in an interview: "I feel very good, I feel very comfortable, and I feel that the government departments are very efficient.". We also need to speed up and put into production as soon as possible.

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After the rectification of the problems reflected by the acceptance of the relevant departments is qualified, the plant area can be put into use. With the overall move of the old production line and the construction of the new product line, the new factory area of DouxBeBe will be put into production soon.

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"Government and enterprises work together to strengthen confidence and overcome difficulties" — — Jindong District carries out centralized office activities to DouxBeBe development
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DouxBeBe R & D team submitted 30 patent applications for plastic storage products to the United States Patent and Trademark Office

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