
The following information may help you understand more about douxbebe-garden.
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All you need to do is contact your dealer.

The dimensions of each shed on our website indicate the maximum height, width and depth. This is the design size of the sample, and the specific size is subject to the size in your manual.

It depends on where you live. There may be laws in some areas that require you to obtain a license or approval. Consult your local regulatory agency before proceeding to ensure that your installation complies with local laws and regulations.


Due to factory scheduling, the delivery time is not fixed. We will adjust the delivery date according to the specific situation of your order, and the specific contract shall prevail.


Whether it is metal storage products or plastic storage products, there is no need to do deliberate maintenance, usually only need simple cleaning.
You can also paint the plastic storage shed in your favorite color. Keep in mind, however, that maintenance, in particular, may require repainting after a period of time.


You will need a flat floor before assembling the shed. We strongly recommend that you use a concrete or wood foundation. You will also leave space (2 feet) around all sides of the shed for proper assembly. You may need a ladder, so leave plenty of room.

Our products are very easy to assemble and perfect for DIY. Different products have different assembly difficulties. Simple products can be assembled in a few minutes, while larger storage sheds can be assembled in 1 to 2 hours.

Each product comes with assembly instructions that you can follow to complete the installation. Our garden sheds likewise require only standard household tools including screwdrivers, drills, mallets, adjustable wrenches and ladders. We recommend the use of safety gloves and goggles for added protection.

Many of our deck storage boxes involve simple snap-on assembly. The rest require only a screwdriver and protective gloves. In addition, all of our products are equipped with the necessary fixtures and fittings. Therefore, there is no need to purchase additional screws and the like.

The paper assembly instructions are usually placed in the packing box and sent to you with the product. If you accidentally lose the paper assembly instructions, you can contact the dealer to send you an electronic version of the instructions. There will also be standard instructions on our website, just click to download.

At least 2 people are required to complete the assembly.


The roof of the shed is designed for a maximum snow load of 150 kg/m2, which varies from model to model, with some models having a greater snow load.

Our products are made of high-quality materials, will not rot, will not rust, the design life of more than 10 years.