The ISO three-system certification of DouxBeBe Factory is under intense progress

Category: Company News

The first meeting of ISO three-system audit and certification of DouxBeBe factory was held at 8:30 a.m. on March 4, and the official auditors and some enterprise managers attended the meeting.

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The "three systems" are the requirements for the development of modern enterprises and the improvement of their competitiveness, as well as the embodiment of enterprises' compliance with the law, trustworthiness and honest operation. This audit marks that the company's management is becoming more institutionalized, standardized and procedural.

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In the afternoon of March 8, the final meeting of ISO system certification was held to make a summary of the audit work of ISO three systems in recent days. The meeting pointed out some details that need to be rectified and the rectification objectives. After the rectification is completed and accepted, the enterprise will be issued with the ISO three-system certificate.



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