Excellent!Two technicians from the technical department of DiBiBi won the title of senior engineer

Category: Company News

After the professional review of Zhejiang provincial government departments,two technicians of DiBiBi won the title of senior engineer.

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Since the establishment of the company,we have taken technology research and development and technical training as the development goal of the company.We are first to set up a R&D Department, relying on the technical and professionals support of France, Britain and china domestic technical teams,we have experienced and innovative technical research and development team.


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The company has 6000 square meters of technology research and development base in Jinhua, setted a  zhejiang provincial enterprise technology research and development center officially certificated by the government, and has more than 1000 square meters of innovation design center in Hangzhou city,with strong design and development capabilities.Every year undertake zhejiang provincial major new product project development, major science and technology plan project development.

After more than 11 years of development,we have a technical team of more than 100+ people,and senior technical talents account for more than 20% of the total persons of the company.
2 persons holds high-level talents at the provincial level in Zhejiang;
5 persons holds national senior engineer titles;
6 of whom holds PhdS.
The company's annual investment in product research and development
founds for more than 20% of corporate profits,and has achieved fruitful results.

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