DouxBeBe company donated materials for anti epidemic workers

Category: Company News

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Through the efforts of various departments of Jinhua Municipal Government and all sectors of society, the COVID-19 epidemic has been effectively controlled.

On the afternoon of May 10, DouxBeBe staff went to the epidemic prevention checkpoint at the intersection of Lingxiazhu Expressway to express their condolences to the staff who stick to the front line of epidemic prevention and thank them for their outstanding contributions to protecting the peace of one side. We sent disinfectant, mineral water and other epidemic prevention substances to the epidemic prevention personnel, and sent a ray of sunshine to the epidemic prevention soldiers working in the heavy rain.

As a responsible enterprise, we actively respond to the mobilization of government departments. Very strict epidemic prevention measures have been taken in the production area to ensure the stable production of the factory and the timely delivery of orders from all over the world.

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