The HR Administration Department of DouxBeBe Company sent personnel to console the epidemic prevention workers of Jinhuadong Expressway

Category: Company News

Since April, the epidemic situation of COVID-19 has shown a trend of multi-point outbreak. According to the actual situation of Jinhua City, Jinhua COVID-19 pandemic Prevention and Control Command decided to start the emergency response of Jinhua COVID-19 pandemic Level II from 2 o'clock on April 16. A large number of epidemic prevention workers rushed to the forefront of the fight against the epidemic and fought in different positions.


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As an enterprise in Jinhua City, we have the responsibility to work together with epidemic prevention workers to contribute to the fight against the epidemic.

On the afternoon of April 27, the staff of our company brought disinfectant, mineral water and other epidemic prevention substances to the epidemic prevention and control point at the intersection of Jinhua East Expressway to express their condolences, in order to thank the volunteers who struggled in the front line of anti-epidemic. We believe that with the joint efforts of the people of the whole city and the anti-epidemic workers, we will eventually overcome the epidemic.

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